如果你知道一桩涉及全球十大赌钱排行app社区成员的性暴力指控, you must immediately inform a Title IX coordinator of the situation and share whatever information you have learned.

The information you share will be treated as confidentially as possible, 但第九条协调员可能需要与其他管理人员协商. 有时,第九条协调员需要为安全利益采取行动. 在计划任何回应时,我们会充分考虑投诉人的意愿.


General Strategies:

  • Listen attentively and non-judgmentally.
  • Affirm the choice to disclose the incident.
  • 记下所有分享的信息,但不要追问对方不愿意分享的细节. Note dates/times as much as possible.
  • If you are talking with the potential complainant, 尽你所能让那个人决定下一步该怎么做.

2) Affirm that Carthage takes sexual violence very seriously, 而且学校的政策禁止对任何举报性暴力的人进行报复.

3) Describe the available resources and accommodations.

  • The Health and Counseling Center is usually the best place to start. 健康和咨询中心的受害者-幸存者支持服务顾问/协调员是我们校园的受害者顾问. The Center and staff member’s services are entirely confidential. 受害者-幸存者支持服务的顾问/协调员可以帮助潜在的投诉人做出明智的决定. 对于学生,健康和咨询中心也可以协调额外的服务和行动.
  • 人们也可以直接去学生生活办公室,全球十大赌钱排行app安全办公室,或者任何一个 Title IX coordinators. All of these entities will coordinate with one another as necessary. People can start wherever they feel most comfortable.
  • Clarify that there are internal judicial procedures for sexual violence, 以及与基诺沙警察局进行刑事调查的选择权. Criminal and judicial options can be pursued simultaneously.
  • 确保人们知道对遭受性暴力的人的“住宿”——第九条协调员可以采取的步骤,以尽量减少事件的影响,并提供一个安全的教育和工作环境. This may include measures such as no-contact orders, temporary suspensions, and changes to working, academic, or living arrangements.
  • Offer to make the initial connection to one of these resources. For example, you could call the Office of Student Life, start the conversation, and hand over the phone.

4)对与第九条协调员分享你所学的内容的义务要非常开放. 和你谈话的人可能担心失去保密和/或对局势的控制. 你可以保证协调员注意到这些问题. 除非对投诉人或校园社区造成严重威胁, 他们不会在没有投诉人知情和同意的情况下采取行动或分享信息.

If you would like further assistance, 联系第九条协调员或学生生活办公室(262-551-5800). 他们可以在会议期间帮助你,或者如果你预计会有披露,他们可以提前帮助你. 我们可以回答问题,确定选项,并协助讨论.

How do I report the information?

你应该尽快打电话或发电子邮件给第九条协调员或学生院长,以保密地报告这些信息. See the list of Carthage’s Title IX Coordinators. The Dean of Students may be best able to help you, but you may contact any of them; sometimes, privacy concerns may make one of the others a better choice. If this is an emergency, please contact 911. 第九条协调员不应被用来代替紧急服务.

What details do I need to provide?

You must share whatever information has been shared with you, including the name(s) of any individuals involved, the details of the incident, and the complainant’s wishes regarding next steps. This is required by law.

What kinds of sexual violence do I need to report?

你需要报告任何可能属于全球十大赌钱排行app对性暴力的定义的事件:“包括性侵犯在内的一系列行为, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, stalking, voyeurism, and any other conduct of a sexual nature that is non-consensual, or has the purpose or effect of threatening, intimidating, or coercing a person.” For more details, see the Title IX Policy.

请注意:您不需要确定事件是否构成暴力, nor that it is sufficiently serious to warrant action. You must make a report for anything that might. 第九条协调员将评估这些信息并确定适当的下一步措施.

如果我听到的信息是二手的、谣言或模糊的,我需要报告吗? What if the offender or victim is not a member of our community? 如果事件发生在校园外或学校不在上课时怎么办?

Yes. When in doubt, report. Even partial information may be helpful, 我们正在努力确保人们能够获得资源,确保我们的社区安全.

What happens after I file a report?

第九条协调员将评估您提供的信息,并采取适当的行动. In all cases, 第九条副协调员将授予并向第九条协调员报告信息. If your report includes names or other identifying details, 第九条协调员可以伸出手来确保任何经历过性暴力的人都能获得住宿, support, and options for taking action. 第九条协调员不会联系任何被指控实施性暴力的个人,直到投诉被提交或调查启动.


No. Once you file a report, your reporting obligation is complete. 你应该保留你所做的任何笔记,或者把它们交给第九条协调员. You may continue to talk with the person who shared the information with you; please keep the Title IX coordinator updated if you learn new details or if the situation evolves.

Will the Title IX coordinator update me on what happens?

No. 你可能会参与接下来的一些步骤——帮助安排住宿, for example, or speaking with an investigator. It is understandable that you may wish to know more, 但保护当事人的隐私和全球十大赌钱排行app性暴力应对系统的机密性是至关重要的.

What are my additional responsibilities if there are minors involved?

Under Carthage policy and Wisconsin Law, 您必须尽快向适当的执法机构报告任何涉嫌虐待未成年人(18岁以下的人)的情况, 但不能迟于合理怀疑发生后的12小时.